028B AnalDonnées
Visualisation et analyse des données des trajectoires de soins en réadaptation
Créneau d'activité
Date de début
1 mars, 2014
Date de fin
1 septembre, 2014
(suite mandat 28). Identify, in collaboration with the École de Réadaptation, the collection of different variables that are pertinent for care trajectory study, and their source, from the patient electronic health record or from research data. This will also include an assessment of possible use of an innovative software for graphically recording tissue and skeletal injury. This will lead to create and evaluate a working prototype software based on the research health record core and available by secure internet for visual representation and analytical interpretation of the care trajectory for the chosen rehabilitation application.
Demandeur principal
Andrew McGregor Grant
Université de Sherbrooke
Ancien membre INTER
2 mandats INTER
François Michaud
Université de Sherbrooke
Génie électrique
35 mandats INTER
Michel Tousignant
Université de Sherbrooke
École de réadaptation
14 mandats INTER