5th Quebec Congress in Adaptation-Rehabilitation Research

The platform for submitting abstracts for oral (new researchers) or poster presentations (students, postdoctoral fellows, research professionals) is now available. You will find the abstract submission form on the congress website. The deadline for abstract submission is February 19, 2024, at 11:30 PM. For abstract writing guidelines, please consult the attached document.
The registration period is now open! Deadline for registration: May 7, 2024 8:00 AM.
Please complete the registration form on the Congress website, on the Registration page.
Do not forget to book your accommodation at the Hôtel Château Bellevue (16, rue de la Porte, Québec (QC) G1R 4M9). To obtain the preferential rate, it is mandatory to make your reservation before April 22, 2024.
- By telephone: 1-800-463-2617 specifying the confirmation number 2023-55342.
- Online: https://reservations.travelclick.com/110500?groupID=4082545&languageid=3
Université Laval’s residences can also be an option for hotel accommodation: https://www.residences.ulaval.ca/en/short-term-accommodations/
For information, please visit the congress website.
** Technology demonstrations** PFor you, dear INTER members and students, it’s also time to think about technology demonstrations to be presented at the congress; you have until March 10, 2024 to complete formulaire for this purpose. If you have any questions about technology demonstrations, please don’t hesitate to contact me. For those who present a technology demonstration, INTER will reimburse the full cost of participation. |
Considering that the INTER community is growing (contrary to the budget!), we can’t assure you at this time whether the reimbursement will be total or partial for INTER members and their teams (except for technology demo representatives). In order to notify you as soon as possible of the outcome of reimbursements, we ask you to send us, as soon as possible, a list of the members of your team who plan to attend the conference.