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180 ActiLLM in progress

LLM-based activity recognition in an intelligent habitat

178 DAVE in progress

Embedded Audio-Video Device

177 RéadapMS-IA in progress

Precise real-time upper limb rehabilitation with haptic guidance using reinforcement learning

176 Morpho-Avatar in progress

Development of a virtual avatar with real-time morphological adaptation for the induction of motor changes

175 LocomoT-IA in progress

Structuring and use of historical data for the development of intelligent algorithms for locomotor training of users with physical impairments of the lower limbs

174 ParasportViz in progress

Parasport Viz: A feedback application to optimize para-athlete training.

173 OptimPOSTat in progress

Optimizing static posturography

172 OpenArms in progress

Development of an open-source instrumented pediatric orthosis for the elbow and shoulder

171 LIOEG in progress

Development and validation of a knee emulator

170 HEARDD in progress

HEARDD: Hearables for EARly Disease Detection

165 NEARS-LT in progress

NEARS-LT: Co-design of a simplified remote monitoring platform for activities of daily living for the elderly and their families.

164 AVAL-EAR in progress

AVAL-EAR: In-ear technology for a better understanding of salivary flow

163 LOGvs MWC in progress

A virtual platform for over ground manual wheelchair navigation: a controlled ecological approach to exploring wheeled mobility.

162 PhantomEEG in progress

Help from a phantom head to recover brain electrocortical signals

161 BandeFeedbackRespi in progress

Portable breathing strips for data collection and transmission of haptic and visual signals during speech

160 OPTISTIM in progress

Optimizing functional electrical stimulation for personalized rehabilitation

159 RV-colloque

Integrating virtual reality into sensorimotor rehabilitation: learning from the past, acting now and preparing for the future

158 REA PRE in progress

Building the future of precision rehabilitation in Quebec: Integrating interactive technologies, data management and artificial intelligence

157 ActimusFaible in progress

Development of an algorithm for quantifying and scaling very low muscle activity in rehabilitation

156 OMR in progress

Magnetorheological orthoses for upper limb rehabilitation

153B Next Dynamometer in progress

Conversion of a pelvic floor dynamometer to a wireless version for measuring standing muscle function

153A Next Dynamometer

Conversion of a pelvic floor dynamometer to a wireless version for measuring standing muscle function

151 Embodiment technology

Designing technologies to convey embodied experiences of Parkinson’s Disease

150 TinyHomy

Walker with partial body weight support for children aged 2 to 6 years

148B AmaraBiomimetics in progress

Robotic assistance system using residual movements

148A Amara

Robotic assistance system using residual movements

146 UX-RV-pédiatrique in progress

Use of physiological data to improve user experience in immersive virtual reality: pediatric applications

145 Mov-AMP

Validation of the impact of the use of a pneumatic adjustment system on the mobility of transtibial amputees

144 CAPMénage

Consensus to determine the measures of interest relating to the monitoring of mobility in people who have suffered a stroke

143B iVélo-Intel

Prototype 2 Vélo-Intelligent-sensory wheel

143A iVélo-Intel

First tests of the Intelligent Bike Prototype

141 Haptic3D

Development of a reproducible haptic robot with 3 degrees of freedom for upper limb rehabilitation for Quebec rehabilitation centers

140 CryptoNet

Security of ambient sensor data in habitats with simple neural encoders and complex decoders

139 Neuro

Neuromotor control for paraplegics

138 GloveUS

Ultrasound technology to objectify tensions

137 Float

Gait rehabilitation with the Float haptic support robot