129 EvaluationCELL

Evaluation CELL The cell phone for evaluation … while disturbing!

Intervention area


Start date

November 1, 2020

End date

November 1, 2022

Development of a cellular application enabling objective measurement of mobility in dual-task tests adapted to digital disturbances (e.g. texting). This new application will offer a solution better adapted to today’s reality by considering the cognitive and sensorimotor challenges associated with cell phone use and their impact on mobility, while leveraging the sensors present in the cell phone to obtain objective performance metrics.

Lead applicant

Karina Lebel

Université de Sherbrooke

Génie électrique

11 INTER mandates


Louis-David Beaulieu

Université du Québec à Chicoutimi

Sciences de la santé

2 INTER mandates

Guillaume Léonard

Université de Sherbrooke


4 INTER mandates

Marie-Hélène Milot

Université de Sherbrooke


6 INTER mandates