187 Open-NUMIS in progress

Low-cost, portable technological solution to the problem of post-stroke learned non-use

Intervention area


Start date

August 1, 2024

End date

November 30, 2025

Motor control disorders, such as post-stroke paresis, pose several significant challenges in rehabilitation. The lack of reliable tools for understanding, outside the clinic, situations in which motor skills acquired in therapy do not translate into everyday use, also referred to as learned nonuse, complicates the work of healthcare professionals. This project aims to develop a portable and affordable system based on a commercial smartwatch to measure upper limbs use. It will include established algorithms for estimating activities and will provide real-time visuo-tactile feedback aimed at encouraging users to engage in healthier motor behaviors. This innovative device will facilitate the clinical adoption of wearable technologies, improve understanding of learned nonuse, and encourage patients to actively use their affected upper limbs in daily life. In the future, we anticipate that this approach could lead to better rehabilitation strategies and improved functional outcomes for post-stroke patients.

Lead applicant

Pascal Fortin

Université du Québec à Chicoutimi

Informatique et mathématique

2 INTER mandates


Louis-David Beaulieu

Université du Québec à Chicoutimi

Sciences de la santé

2 INTER mandates

Marika Demers

Université de Montréal


3 INTER mandates

Non-INTER team

Michaël Bertrand-Charette, Martin Lavallière

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