Dany Gagnon
Former INTER member
Partner institution
Université de MontréalDepartment
Fields of interest
Assisted mobilityINTER Mandates
185 eVIPERE in progress
A vIsual and proprioceptive virtual reality environment for assessing and training reachE movements
127 MASM
Muscle synergy analysis methods. Development of methods for analyzing muscular synergies in populations with musco-skeletal and neurological disorders
115B NextWheel
Conversion of instrumented wheels to sustain research on manual wheelchair mobility
115A MiWe
Augmented feedback to help learn propulsion on the miWe simulator
096 WheelSims
Structuring project on wheelchair simulators: WheelSims
Quantification of reaction forces on the handrail using inertial sensors – use of deep learning.
065A EXBimanuel
Development of a device for evaluating and training unilateral and bilateral neuromuscular control of the upper limb in people who have suffered a cerebrovascular accident (CVA) and those with a spinal cord injury (SCI)
036 SimulHaptiqueFR
Development of a haptic simulator for wheelchair propulsion: use of new virtual immersion technologies and inertial measurements.