Characterizing the environment – person interaction during a museum visit: a feasibility study of multiple and one-off data collection on mobility in public spaces
Intervention area
Start date
August 1, 2019
End date
December 1, 2019
MOB-MBAM is a project that aims to characterize mobility in an ecological and real environment, the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (MMFA), through an aggregation of multiple data on posture, balance and locomotion and on factors that influence them. These data will come from sub-projects that use various technologies and will be carried out on a single of general day of museum opening: the 3rd of December 2019.
Lead applicant
Sylvie Nadeau
Université de Montréal
18 INTER mandates
Eva Kehayia
Université McGill
Physical and Occupational Therapy
3 INTER mandates
Johanne Higgins
Université de Montréal
5 INTER mandates