163 LOGvs MWC in progress

A virtual platform for over ground manual wheelchair navigation: a controlled ecological approach to exploring wheeled mobility.

Intervention area


Start date

September 1, 2023

End date

December 1, 2025

Virtual reality (VR) represents a novel approach to manual wheelchair (MWC) skills evaluation and training. A VR platform that enables overground walking over a larger area (Large Over Ground Virtual Suite (LogVS), provides interactional features and realistic scenarios during locomotor navigation, but has not yet been explored for MWC use. Integration of MWC mobility into the LogVS technology may support MWC evaluation and training, with potential for clinical and community applications. Programming and validation of the LogVS environment represent the first steps that will be targeted in this mandate.

Lead applicant

Krista Lynn Best

Université Laval


2 INTER mandates


Bradford McFadyen

Université Laval


Former INTER member

2 INTER mandates

François Routhier

Université Laval


20 INTER mandates

Andréanne Blanchette

Université Laval


3 INTER mandates

Philippe Archambault

Université McGill

Physical and Occupational Therapy

28 INTER mandates

Anouk Lamontagne

Université McGill

Physical and Occupational Therapy

5 INTER mandates