Patrick Boissy
Partner institution
Université de SherbrookeDepartment
Fields of interest
Smart homesINTER Mandates
144 CAPMénage
Consensus to determine the measures of interest relating to the monitoring of mobility in people who have suffered a stroke
110 BureauActifIintelli
Please stand up! It's a question of health...
105 Télé-Actimétrie
Development of a remote monitoring module and a data processing module for the use of actimetric devices (Apple Watch, Sensoria, OpenIMU-MiniLogger) in an ecological environment (home, accommodation center, hospital)
087 OpenIMU-HW
Choice and design of open inertial unit platforms
029 ActFRMI
Automatic detection and classification of activities on board a smart motorized wheelchair
016A CartoExo
Mechanical pressure mapping platform for application in rehabilitation, telerehabilitation and mobile robotics
015 Camsansfil
Mobile and wireless camera system for increased telepresence in home telerehabilitation
011 OdométrieFRM
Development and validation of a wireless odometry system for use with motorized wheelchairs