Alexandre Campeau-Lecours
Partner institution
Université LavalDepartment
Génie mécanique
Fields of interest
Assisted mobilityINTER Mandates
188 OrtheseMain in progress
Development of a hand orthosis for people with spinal cord injuries
174 ParasportViz
Parasport Viz: A feedback application to optimize para-athlete training.
162 PhantomEEG
Help from a phantom head to recover brain electrocortical signals
161 BandeFeedbackRespi
Portable breathing strips for data collection and transmission of haptic and visual signals during speech
148B AmaraBiomimetics
Robotic assistance system using residual movements
148A Amara
Robotic assistance system using residual movements
128B DetectFatigueTR in progress
Detecting muscle fatigue in workers using inertial measurement systems and EMG sensors
128A DetectFatigueTR
Detecting muscle fatigue in workers using inertial measurement systems and EMG sensors
107 MontreVib
“I have a smartwatch like my parents! »: Development of a bracelet with vibration stimulation to increase the awareness of the affected limb of young people with cerebral motor impairment.
101B AssistÉcriture
Validation of a handwriting aid for children living with upper limb neuromuscular disorders
101A AssistÉcriture
Development of a handwriting aid for people living with upper limb neuromuscular disorders: a proof of concept
095 VRBot
Development of a training system for an assistance robot based on virtual reality: A proof of concept.
081 AssistAlim
Development of a new generation of feeding assistance systems for people with upper limb disabilities – Proof of concept