Charles Gouin-Vallerand

Partner institution

Université de Sherbrooke


École de gestion - Systèmes d'information

Fields of interest

Smart homes

INTER Mandates

180 ActiLLM in progress

LLM-based activity recognition in an intelligent habitat


NEARS-LT: Co-design of a simplified remote monitoring platform for activities of daily living for the elderly and their families.

140 CryptoNet

Security of ambient sensor data in habitats with simple neural encoders and complex decoders

122A WeCare

A trustful digital community and smart living environment for ageing people


Supervision and assistance in hospital establishment

109 AssistCognitive

Online and remote cognitive assistance using augmented reality for people with mild neurocognitive disorders

106 ActiVille

Detection of people and their profiles in smart urban environments for context-aware assistance

038 ServiceAssist

Recommendation and delivery of mobility assistance services for people with reduced autonomy, based on user context and profile.