Martin Lemay
Partner institution
Université du Québec à MontréalDepartment
Fields of interest
Smart homesINTER Mandates
159 RV-colloque
Integrating virtual reality into sensorimotor rehabilitation: learning from the past, acting now and preparing for the future
146 UX-RV-pédiatrique
Use of physiological data to improve user experience in immersive virtual reality: pediatric applications
Virtual Reality Game for Optimized Motor Learning
068 ICVR2017
Support for the International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation 2017
055 BrasRobot
Assisted control of a robotic arm for rehabilitation
052 JeuxContrôlePostural
An active video game console for the rehabilitation of dynamic postural control
037 EnregisJACO
Data logging interface for the JACO robotic arm