Sofiane Achiche
Partner institution
Polytechnique MontréalDepartment
Génie mécanique
Fields of interest
Assisted mobilityINTER Mandates
172 OpenArms in progress
Development of an open-source instrumented pediatric orthosis for the elbow and shoulder
Intensive upper limb therapy with Armeo
092 REAplan
Optimizing the impact of REAplan on motor performance in children with musculoskeletal disorders: Pilot study
078 IMUpower
Development of an on-board portable device for quantifying joint power using inertial measurement units: case-test on the knee
073 EXOarm
Development of a proof of concept for an upper limb exoskeleton in pediatric rehabilitation
057 ProtMyo
Development of a myoelectric prosthesis for the pediatric upper limb with realistic and energy-efficient movement
055 BrasRobot
Assisted control of a robotic arm for rehabilitation
045 Lokomat
Optimization of the use of the Lokomat® gait training device and impact on the motor performance of children with cerebral palsy
033 ForcemuscuExo
Real-time quantification of muscular forces in the upper limb with a view to controlling an exoskeleton