Marie-Hélène Milot
Partner institution
Université de SherbrookeDepartment
Fields of interest
Assisted mobilityINTER Mandates
129 EvaluationCELL
Evaluation CELL The cell phone for evaluation ... while disturbing!
127 MASM
Muscle synergy analysis methods. Development of methods for analyzing muscular synergies in populations with musco-skeletal and neurological disorders
105 Télé-Actimétrie
Development of a remote monitoring module and a data processing module for the use of actimetric devices (Apple Watch, Sensoria, OpenIMU-MiniLogger) in an ecological environment (home, accommodation center, hospital)
043C ERA
Implementation of immersive virtual reality on the ERA robotic arm for training the affected arm in a clientele in the chronic phase of a stroke
043B ERA
Training by reducing and increasing motion error using the ERA robot: preliminary study
043A ERA
Adaptation of a robotic arm for the rehabilitation of people who have suffered a stroke