Sylvie Nadeau
Partner institution
Université de MontréalDepartment
Fields of interest
Smart homes, Assisted mobilityINTER Mandates
191 ControNMS_IA in progress
AI-based neuromuscular control for manual wheelchair propulsion
177 RéadapMS-IA
Precise real-time upper limb rehabilitation with haptic guidance using reinforcement learning
175 LocomoT-IA in progress
Structuring and use of historical data for the development of intelligent algorithms for locomotor training of users with physical impairments of the lower limbs
144 CAPMénage
Consensus to determine the measures of interest relating to the monitoring of mobility in people who have suffered a stroke
143B iVélo-Intel
Prototype 2 Vélo-Intelligent-sensory wheel
143A iVélo-Intel
First tests of the Intelligent Bike Prototype
125 Poignet Robotique
Development of a robotic handle for the rehabilitation of grasping and grasping coupled with the bi-manual exerciser for the rehabilitation of hemiparetic people
Characterizing the environment – person interaction during a museum visit: a feasibility study of multiple and one-off data collection on mobility in public spaces
076 RCSM3
Rehabilitation of Coordination and Muscle Synergies of the Lower Limb to Improve Mobility in Neurological Populations
065B Exbimanuel
Phase 2: Optimization of the bimanual exerciser for the assessment and training of the upper limbs of people who have suffered a stroke
065A EXBimanuel
Development of a device for evaluating and training unilateral and bilateral neuromuscular control of the upper limb in people who have suffered a cerebrovascular accident (CVA) and those with a spinal cord injury (SCI)
Development of an avatar for the rehabilitation of pelvis and trunk movements during walking
058 AsymClinique
Quantification of asymmetry in clinical and life settings during various functional activities in people who have suffered a cerebrovascular accident (CVA)
048B ForcesHaptiquesAVC
Integration of haptic forces at the hand level during locomotion and comparison of methods to reduce gait asymmetry following a stroke
048A EntrainVirtuelAVC
Development of a virtual training tool to reduce gait asymmetry following a stroke
019 ControlHapTapis
Development of a device for haptic control of the ground reaction forces of a double-belt treadmill
004B ExoActCompliants
Proof of concept for lower limb exoskeleton with compliant actuators – Part II: impedance control
004A ExoActCompliants
Proof of concept for lower limb exoskeleton with compliant actuators