Maxime Raison
Partner institution
Polytechnique MontréalDepartment
Génie mécanique
Fields of interest
Assisted mobilityINTER Mandates
157 ActimusFaible
Development of an algorithm for quantifying and scaling very low muscle activity in rehabilitation
141 Haptic3D
Development of a reproducible haptic robot with 3 degrees of freedom for upper limb rehabilitation for Quebec rehabilitation centers
137 Float
Gait rehabilitation with the Float haptic support robot
Intensive upper limb therapy with Armeo
092 REAplan
Optimizing the impact of REAplan on motor performance in children with musculoskeletal disorders: Pilot study
078 IMUpower
Development of an on-board portable device for quantifying joint power using inertial measurement units: case-test on the knee
073 EXOarm
Development of a proof of concept for an upper limb exoskeleton in pediatric rehabilitation
Development of an avatar for the rehabilitation of pelvis and trunk movements during walking
057 ProtMyo
Development of a myoelectric prosthesis for the pediatric upper limb with realistic and energy-efficient movement
055 BrasRobot
Assisted control of a robotic arm for rehabilitation
046 S2M
Kinematic assessment of the shoulder for rehabilitation monitoring: development of a clinical tool: Shoulder Mobility Monitoring (S2M)
045 Lokomat
Optimization of the use of the Lokomat® gait training device and impact on the motor performance of children with cerebral palsy
033 ForcemuscuExo
Real-time quantification of muscular forces in the upper limb with a view to controlling an exoskeleton