Michel Tousignant

Partner institution

Université de Sherbrooke


École de réadaptation

Fields of interest

Smart homes

INTER Mandates

136 TeraDanse

Development of new features of the OpenTera platform for an asynchronous teledance intervention in stroke rehabilitation

110 BureauActifIintelli

Please stand up! It's a question of health...

105 Télé-Actimétrie

Development of a remote monitoring module and a data processing module for the use of actimetric devices (Apple Watch, Sensoria, OpenIMU-MiniLogger) in an ecological environment (home, accommodation center, hospital)


A BCG-based platform for home monitoring of heart failure patients

087 OpenIMU-HW

Choice and design of open inertial unit platforms

080 OpenIMU SW

Democratization of inertial sensors for activity recognition

067 Vigil2-TeRa+

Finalization of developments for the Vigil2-TeRa+ telerehabilitation platform

062 TéléRéadap

Characterization of the usability of a telerehabilitation system as a function of bandwidth, and interfacing with medical devices

059 GuideMétho

Development and transfer of a methodological guide focused on use and social acceptability to enrich technological innovation projects in health, particularly in rehabilitation

040 CartoTéléRéadap

Mapping the innovation ecosystem – Value plan for the home tele-processing project

028B AnalDonnées

Visualization and analysis of data from rehabilitation care trajectories

022 RythRespithermique

Remote respiratory rate measurement from a thermal camera on a pan-tilt head

015 Camsansfil

Mobile and wireless camera system for increased telepresence in home telerehabilitation

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