Sylvain Giroux
Partner institution
Université de SherbrookeDepartment
Fields of interest
Smart homesINTER Mandates
181 DACT-COOK in progress
Data acquisition via thermal sensors to secure meal preparation processes in the COOK system
NEARS-LT: Co-design of a simplified remote monitoring platform for activities of daily living for the elderly and their families.
140 CryptoNet
Security of ambient sensor data in habitats with simple neural encoders and complex decoders
ntelligent environments to support the ecosystem of frail and isolated seniors: part of the City of Côte-Saint-Luc's Living Lab.
122A WeCare
A trustful digital community and smart living environment for ageing people
Supervision and assistance in hospital establishment
050 ReconnaissanceAct
Prototyping of a system for recognizing daily life activities based on qualitative spatial positioning of objects used within an intelligent home using passive radio-identification
049 DépistageDémence
Early detection of dementia: collection and algorithmic and clinical analysis of performance during activities of daily living
038 ServiceAssist
Recommendation and delivery of mobility assistance services for people with reduced autonomy, based on user context and profile.
021 LivingLab
Installation and implementation of a living lab for cognitive assistance for people with cognitive deficits