Philippe Archambault
Partner institution
Université McGillDepartment
Physical and Occupational Therapy
Fields of interest
Assisted mobilityINTER Mandates
186 iGAAR in progress
Instrumented Gait Analysis in Augmented Reality
163 LOGvs MWC in progress
A virtual platform for over ground manual wheelchair navigation: a controlled ecological approach to exploring wheeled mobility.
144 CAPMénage
Consensus to determine the measures of interest relating to the monitoring of mobility in people who have suffered a stroke
130 IDS
IDS : Intelligent Dynamic Seating : Integration of sensors, repositioning and eHealth technology for power wheelchairs
115C MiWe
Learn an efficient wheelchair propulsion pattern
115B NextWheel
Conversion of instrumented wheels to sustain research on manual wheelchair mobility
115A MiWe
Augmented feedback to help learn propulsion on the miWe simulator
Autonomous intelligent motorized wheelchair based on EEG signals in real environments
Intelligent motorized wheelchair: improvement of interaction methods
102 Domicile 3D
My future home in 3D
096 WheelSims
Structuring project on wheelchair simulators: WheelSims
095 VRBot
Development of a training system for an assistance robot based on virtual reality: A proof of concept.
Smart motorized wheelchair: implementation of user interface specifications and experimentation in ecological environments
082 MobiliSIG
Multimodal mobile technology to make it easier for people in manual wheelchairs to move around the city
081 AssistAlim
Development of a new generation of feeding assistance systems for people with upper limb disabilities – Proof of concept
080 OpenIMU SW
Democratization of inertial sensors for activity recognition
Development of EMG-assisted movement of an exoskeleton robot for rehabilitation and testing with real subjects
068 ICVR2017
Support for the International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation 2017
064 SeriousVG
Development of a ‘serious video game’ for improving pediatric power mobility skills
061 RobotAssisted
Impact of interface (real or virtual) for robot-assisted upper extremity movements
055 BrasRobot
Assisted control of a robotic arm for rehabilitation
048B ForcesHaptiquesAVC
Integration of haptic forces at the hand level during locomotion and comparison of methods to reduce gait asymmetry following a stroke
037 EnregisJACO
Data logging interface for the JACO robotic arm
035 ExoCâbles
Design of a cable exoskeleton robot for lower limb rehabilitation
029 ActFRMI
Automatic detection and classification of activities on board a smart motorized wheelchair
027 Localisation
Localization by artificial vision in a large indoor space
011 OdométrieFRM
Development and validation of a wireless odometry system for use with motorized wheelchairs