Over 130 mandates funded to date, and further opportunities for researchers
Mandate proposals and writing guide
Download and complete the Mandate submission form
Mandate proposal cut-off dates
February 1st, June 1st and November 1st of each year. Send completed form to the INTER coordinator by email:
Mandate list
195 SeeMPI in progress
Development and validation of the impact of an instrumented prosthesis sleeve on the mobility of lower-limb amputees
194 NeuroSTIM in progress
Co-development and integration of personalized spinal stimulation technology to optimize neurological rehabilitation
193 Embodiment Technology in progress
Co-designing technologies to convey sensory, bodily and felt experiences of Parkinson’s disease
191 ControNMS_IA in progress
AI-based neuromuscular control for manual wheelchair propulsion
190 Move in progress
Assistive social robot to reduce isolation and support the adoption of healthy lifestyle habits among seniors
188 OrtheseMain in progress
Development of a hand orthosis for people with spinal cord injuries
187 Open-NUMIS in progress
Low-cost, portable technological solution to the problem of post-stroke learned non-use
186 iGAAR in progress
Instrumented Gait Analysis in Augmented Reality
185 eVIPERE in progress
A vIsual and proprioceptive virtual reality environment for assessing and training reachE movements
184 MusiGAIT in progress
Co-design of a musical feedback system to correct gait patterns
183 RV-RA-TR-Post AVC in progress
In-person and remote virtual and augmented reality for stroke rehabilitation to optimize upper limb and balance recovery: development and preliminary usability steps
182 M-PARC in progress
Blood pressure monitor for cardiopulmonary rehabilitation
181 DACT-COOK in progress
Data acquisition via thermal sensors to secure meal preparation processes in the COOK system
180 ActiLLM in progress
LLM-based activity recognition in an intelligent habitat
179B ComPA in progress
Saving our elders from falls: a question of pressure
179A PreCh in progress
Saving our elders from falls: a question of pressure
178 DAVE in progress
Embedded Audio-Video Device
177 RéadapMS-IA
Precise real-time upper limb rehabilitation with haptic guidance using reinforcement learning
176 Morpho-Avatar
Development of a virtual avatar with real-time morphological adaptation for the induction of motor changes
175 LocomoT-IA in progress
Structuring and use of historical data for the development of intelligent algorithms for locomotor training of users with physical impairments of the lower limbs
174 ParasportViz
Parasport Viz: A feedback application to optimize para-athlete training.
173 OptimPOSTat in progress
Optimizing static posturography
172 OpenArms in progress
Development of an open-source instrumented pediatric orthosis for the elbow and shoulder
Development and validation of a knee emulator
HEARDD: Hearables for EARly Disease Detection
169 Sim-Age in progress
Human-robot simulation to help the elderly
NEARS-LT: Co-design of a simplified remote monitoring platform for activities of daily living for the elderly and their families.
AVAL-EAR: In-ear technology for a better understanding of salivary flow
163 LOGvs MWC in progress
A virtual platform for over ground manual wheelchair navigation: a controlled ecological approach to exploring wheeled mobility.
162 PhantomEEG
Help from a phantom head to recover brain electrocortical signals
161 BandeFeedbackRespi
Portable breathing strips for data collection and transmission of haptic and visual signals during speech
Optimizing functional electrical stimulation for personalized rehabilitation
159 RV-colloque
Integrating virtual reality into sensorimotor rehabilitation: learning from the past, acting now and preparing for the future
Building the future of precision rehabilitation in Quebec: Integrating interactive technologies, data management and artificial intelligence
157 ActimusFaible
Development of an algorithm for quantifying and scaling very low muscle activity in rehabilitation
156 OMR
Magnetorheological orthoses for upper limb rehabilitation