Over 130 mandates funded to date, and further opportunities for researchers
Mandate proposals and writing guide
Download and complete the Mandate submission form
Mandate proposal cut-off dates
February 1st, June 1st and November 1st of each year. Send completed form to the INTER coordinator by email:
Mandate list
043A ERA
Adaptation of a robotic arm for the rehabilitation of people who have suffered a stroke
042 TéléRéadapJeux
Telerehabilitation platform with integrated measurement and play environment
040 CartoTéléRéadap
Mapping the innovation ecosystem – Value plan for the home tele-processing project
039 ExoEmbrayage
Proof of concept of a lower limb exoskeleton using MR clutches
038 ServiceAssist
Recommendation and delivery of mobility assistance services for people with reduced autonomy, based on user context and profile.
037 EnregisJACO
Data logging interface for the JACO robotic arm
036 SimulHaptiqueFR
Development of a haptic simulator for wheelchair propulsion: use of new virtual immersion technologies and inertial measurements.
035 ExoCâbles
Design of a cable exoskeleton robot for lower limb rehabilitation
034 ProfRecherche
Research professional in electronic design and prototyping
033 ForcemuscuExo
Real-time quantification of muscular forces in the upper limb with a view to controlling an exoskeleton
032/032B PlateformeFRMOmn
Omnidirectional platform as a prototype for an omnidirectional motorized wheelchair
031 EnViR
Virtual Rehabilitation Environment
029 ActFRMI
Automatic detection and classification of activities on board a smart motorized wheelchair
028B AnalDonnées
Visualization and analysis of data from rehabilitation care trajectories
028A AnalDonnées
Clinical and administrative data dashboards
027 Localisation
Localization by artificial vision in a large indoor space
025 OrthèseÉlastiques
Proof of concept of a shoulder orthosis based on elastic series actuators
024 TelCell
Infrastructure for testing cell phones designed to help people with cognitive impairment stay at home
022 RythRespithermique
Remote respiratory rate measurement from a thermal camera on a pan-tilt head
021 LivingLab
Installation and implementation of a living lab for cognitive assistance for people with cognitive deficits
020 RestitutMain
Haptic restitution of proprioceptive sensations in hand amputees
019 ControlHapTapis
Development of a device for haptic control of the ground reaction forces of a double-belt treadmill
INOVUS: Proof-of-concept for an smart stove
017 MobilAssistServices
Mobile assistive services for active aging
016B CartoExo
Mechanical pressure mapping platform for generating stable exoskeleton locomotion
016A CartoExo
Mechanical pressure mapping platform for application in rehabilitation, telerehabilitation and mobile robotics
015 Camsansfil
Mobile and wireless camera system for increased telepresence in home telerehabilitation
014 OrtGenou
Proof of concept of an active knee orthosis using hyper-redundant soft binary actuators
013 StimulCognitive
Tool to aid cognitive stimulation in patients with schizophrenia disease
011 OdométrieFRM
Development and validation of a wireless odometry system for use with motorized wheelchairs
009 SystHaptiques
Haptic systems for rehabilitation
004B ExoActCompliants
Proof of concept for lower limb exoskeleton with compliant actuators – Part II: impedance control
004A ExoActCompliants
Proof of concept for lower limb exoskeleton with compliant actuators
003A/003B Exosquelette
Exoskeleton: Active rehabilitation of the upper limbs
001 NavigAutoFRM
Development and integration of a global autonomous navigation system for the motorized wheelchair