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Development of interactive software for walking rehabilitation using an exoskeleton

062 TéléRéadap

Characterization of the usability of a telerehabilitation system as a function of bandwidth, and interfacing with medical devices

061 RobotAssisted

Impact of interface (real or virtual) for robot-assisted upper extremity movements

059 GuideMétho

Development and transfer of a methodological guide focused on use and social acceptability to enrich technological innovation projects in health, particularly in rehabilitation

058 AsymClinique

Quantification of asymmetry in clinical and life settings during various functional activities in people who have suffered a cerebrovascular accident (CVA)

057 ProtMyo

Development of a myoelectric prosthesis for the pediatric upper limb with realistic and energy-efficient movement

055 BrasRobot

Assisted control of a robotic arm for rehabilitation

053 RobotSphérique

Spherical robot as a diagnostic tool associated with autism spectrum disorders (ASD)

052 JeuxContrôlePostural

An active video game console for the rehabilitation of dynamic postural control

051 TechnoFibromyalgie

Creation and evaluation of a wearable technology including the modulation of transcranial stimulation parameters and the capture of motor performance, in people suffering from fibromyalgia

050 ReconnaissanceAct

Prototyping of a system for recognizing daily life activities based on qualitative spatial positioning of objects used within an intelligent home using passive radio-identification

049 DépistageDémence

Early detection of dementia: collection and algorithmic and clinical analysis of performance during activities of daily living

048B ForcesHaptiquesAVC

Integration of haptic forces at the hand level during locomotion and comparison of methods to reduce gait asymmetry following a stroke

048A EntrainVirtuelAVC

Development of a virtual training tool to reduce gait asymmetry following a stroke

047 InterfaceHM-FRMI

Evaluation of human-machine interfaces of an intelligent motorized wheelchair in real activities of daily life linked to driving activity by users with physical disabilities

046 S2M

Kinematic assessment of the shoulder for rehabilitation monitoring: development of a clinical tool: Shoulder Mobility Monitoring (S2M)

045 Lokomat

Optimization of the use of the Lokomat® gait training device and impact on the motor performance of children with cerebral palsy

044 InstProtMain

Instrumentation of a hand prosthesis with haptic feedback

043C ERA

Implementation of immersive virtual reality on the ERA robotic arm for training the affected arm in a clientele in the chronic phase of a stroke

043B ERA

Training by reducing and increasing motion error using the ERA robot: preliminary study

043A ERA

Adaptation of a robotic arm for the rehabilitation of people who have suffered a stroke

042 TéléRéadapJeux

Telerehabilitation platform with integrated measurement and play environment

040 CartoTéléRéadap

Mapping the innovation ecosystem – Value plan for the home tele-processing project

039 ExoEmbrayage

Proof of concept of a lower limb exoskeleton using MR clutches

038 ServiceAssist

Recommendation and delivery of mobility assistance services for people with reduced autonomy, based on user context and profile.

037 EnregisJACO

Data logging interface for the JACO robotic arm

036 SimulHaptiqueFR

Development of a haptic simulator for wheelchair propulsion: use of new virtual immersion technologies and inertial measurements.

035 ExoCâbles

Design of a cable exoskeleton robot for lower limb rehabilitation

034 ProfRecherche

Research professional in electronic design and prototyping

033 ForcemuscuExo

Real-time quantification of muscular forces in the upper limb with a view to controlling an exoskeleton

032/032B PlateformeFRMOmn

Omnidirectional platform as a prototype for an omnidirectional motorized wheelchair

031 EnViR

Virtual Rehabilitation Environment

029 ActFRMI

Automatic detection and classification of activities on board a smart motorized wheelchair

028B AnalDonnées

Visualization and analysis of data from rehabilitation care trajectories

028A AnalDonnées

Clinical and administrative data dashboards

027 Localisation

Localization by artificial vision in a large indoor space